邹红麟 湖南省娄底市冷水江市冷水江街道办事处中心学校
2020-11-13 15:55:37 教师 浏览量 :

邹红麟,湖南省娄底市冷水江市冷水江街道办事处中心学校科学教师,湖南师范大学物理教育本科毕业。中国青少年科技辅导员协会会员,2018年通过全国专业水平中级科技辅导员认证。参与湖南省教育科学十二五规划课题《小学教师校本培训实效性的研究与实践》、湖南省教育科学十二五重点课题子课题《城乡学校联盟体教育教学交流研究》、湖南省教育学会十二五课题《以雏鹰争章为载体的德育作业实践研究》等课题研究;撰写论文《高效课堂下怎样培养初中生对物理学习的情感》、《新常态下师德校本培训模式》在国家刊物上发表,5篇教育论文获国家一等奖、多篇教育论文获省级一等奖;多次教学比武和自制教具在省、地、市获奖。近三年,辅导学生参加全国各级各类科技创新大赛,获全国一等奖2人次、全国三等奖8人次,省级一等奖10余次;多次被评为全国各级优秀科技指导教师;2019年被评为娄底市优秀科技教师; 2019年参加第六届创新型名师孵化大赛全国决赛科学课《浮沉与什么因素有关》荣获二等奖。

Zou Honglin is a science teacher in the Central School of Lengshuijiang Street Office, Loudi City, Hunan Province, and graduated from Hunan normal University with a bachelor's degree in physics education. Member of China Youth Science and Technology counselor Association, passed the national professional level intermediate science and technology counselor certification in 2018. Participate in Hunan Educational Science "12th five-year Plan" project "Research and practice of School-based training of Primary School Teachers", Hunan Educational Science "Twelfth five-year Plan" key sub-project "Urban and Rural School Alliance Education and Teaching Exchange Research", Hunan Education Society's "12th five-year Plan" project "moral Education homework practice Research based on" Young Eagle striving for Chapter "and other topics Writing papers "how to cultivate junior high school students' emotion for physics learning in an efficient classroom" and "School-based training Model of Teachers' morality under the New normal" were published in national journals. Five educational papers won the first prize in the country and a number of educational papers won the first prize at the provincial level. Many teaching competitions and self-made teaching aids won prizes in provinces, prefectures and cities. In the past three years, tutoring students have participated in national scientific and technological innovation competitions at all levels and won 2 national first prizes, 8 national third prizes and more than 10 provincial first prizes. it has been awarded as the national excellent science and technology instructor at all levels for many times; it was awarded as the excellent science teacher in Loudi in 2019; and the science course "what factors are related to ups and downs" won the second prize in the national final of the sixth innovative teacher incubation contest in 2019.
