张哲斐 郑州市第三十四中学
2020-7-7 17:45:45 教师 浏览量 :

张哲斐 1984年生,毕业于郑州大学物理工程学院,硕士研究生。自工作以来,喜欢带学生制作一些小发明小创造,同时积极研发校本STEAM课程和开展项目式学习。


        Zhang Zhefei, male, born in 1984, graduated from the School of Physical Engineering of Zhengzhou University with a master's degree. Since working, I like to take students to make small inventions and small creations, and actively develop school-based STEAM courses and carry out project-based learning.

        Since 2015, he has led students to participate in IC competitions. He has won the first prize in the "3D design" category for four consecutive years and won the gold medal in the 2018 European final. In addition, he also led students to participate in the Maker Competition in Henan Province for many times and achieved excellent results.
